Letting Nature Rest


Seasonal Affective Disorder, or seasonal depression, is well-known among many people. For those who encounter it consistently, the slow departure of summer can be met with dread and fear of what is looming in the distance.…

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Understanding our Freeze Response


There’s been only a handful of times that I’ve been in situations that pushed me into one of my survival responses – fight, flight and freeze. I would love to be able to recount for you heroic instances where I stood up and fought for myself, but instead, I froze.…

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Our Companion


At the beginning of this year, I had enlightening encounters with both Jesus and the Holy Spirit that deepened my relationships with them and heightened my understanding of who they are.  I uncovered just how much Jesus gets us in our pain and is our dark night companion. With the…

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Ditch the Armor


I see why people would think armoring up would in some way protect them from getting hurt. 
But, what I’ve found is that in the end, I end up getting hurt more. So, let's ditch the armor.…

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Giving Space to Anger


Anger deserves its place, too. Anger needs to be felt. It may not be easy, but if you can work through the fear and discomfort, you will likely find that your anger has much to say if you listen and give it its space to talk and have your…

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