Worship Mosaic: Release


Today, we strive to release. We practice releasing shame, anxiety, guilt, greed, or anything that keeps us from freedom and wholeness. And we release the elements of our money story that prevent us from fully living into the story God will write for our lives.…

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1 John 4: Bible Experience


1 John 4 invites an exploration of the transformative power of divine love, challenging us to embrace this love as a beacon of hope amidst life's uncertainties and as a catalyst for authentic connections with others.…

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The Deconstructed Church – And I Hope


We might expect that, after denying Christ, Peter would cower in shame. Instead, when he hears the news from the women, he gets up and runs to the tomb. Even after the biggest failures, even after the worst case scenario has happened, can we run toward hope? Like Peter, will we keep…

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Matthew 12: Bible Experience


Matthew 12 is like a captivating mystery novel where Jesus not only outsmarts his critics but also unveils profound truths with a sprinkle of wit and wisdom —prepare for a mind-engaging journey!…

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