Luke 24: Bible Experience


In Luke 24, we experience the gripping narrative of Jesus’ resurrection, filled with profound encounters, unexpected twists and the transformative power of faith.…

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The Power of Wonder


When we think about the resurrection of Jesus, it can be easy to get caught up in trying to explain or prove its validity. However, I believe that the goal really shouldn't be understanding it, but rather living in wonder of it.…

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Luke 22: Bible Experience


Few people have a good word to say about hierarchies, and yet we always seek to box people into a top bracket. In today's reading, the disciples fall into the same line of thinking.…

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Luke 18: Bible Experience


It’s been said, people who look down on other people don’t end up being looked up to. In Luke 18, Jesus teaches we can all use a healthy dose humility and love.…

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Luke 14: Bible Experience


Whether sitting in the home of a Pharisee or traveling with a crowd of people, Jesus asks good questions in Luke 14 that invite us to get to the heart of our motives and consider the outcomes of our actions.…

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