Jesus sees past our self-doubt and affirms that we are enough. It is through embracing our love, our stories and our experiences that we can fulfill our calling and make a difference in the world.…
Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine reveals his love and mission to restore relationships, inviting us to trust and follow him in acts of love, especially toward the vulnerable.…
Read MoreThrough the story of John the Baptist, we can see that God gives us purpose.…
Read MoreLife's tough, but Christ's love makes it easier, and we're exploring how to share that love with others in meaningful ways through the lens of John 15. p.s. I love you.…
Read MoreJesus sees past our self-doubt and affirms that we are enough. It is through embracing our love, our stories and our experiences that we can fulfill our calling and make a difference in the world.…
Read MoreNo matter how far we wander, may we entrust our hearts to God. No matter if our faith is strong or weak, what we can give is our love.…
Read MoreGuilt, shame, jealousy. Peter is familiar with them all. Perhaps we are, too. John 21 paints a picture for restoration.…
Read MoreDoubt is always a temptation. Through an eye on John 20, we can ponder the impact of accepting an invitation to "Doubt no more, but believe."…
Read MoreSacrifice and love stand in stark contrast to the cruelty and injustice of the world in John 19. What does that mean for us today?…
Read MoreUnwavering commitment and steadfast love are on display in John 18. It's not only a reminder of how we ourselves are treasured, it's an invitation to consider our emotions, resilience and commitment to loving others despite the messiness of humanity.…
Read MoreBe (some)one. In a world of me, how do we exist as a we? How do we live into the ways we are unique and still unite with God & others? A John 17 prayer gives us insight.…
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