Luke 1: Bible Experience

1 min read
Zacharias and Elizabeth 1913-4 Sir Stanley Spencer 1891-1959 Purchased jointly with Sheffield Galleries & Museums Trust with assistance from the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Art Fund, the Friends of the Tate Gallery, Howard and Roberta Ahmanson and private benefactors 1999

In Luke 1, we discover the miraculous beginnings of Jesus’ story, where hope, joy, and God’s promises come alive through the lives of ordinary people like Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary.

Scripture is not only full of interesting stories about other people’s lives, it is a way that God talks to us and leads us in our own lives. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about starting a Bible reading rhythm. Well, this is the sign you’ve been looking for.

A beautiful way to come to a fuller understanding of scripture is to read it in community. Want to give it a shot?

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