Navigating Seasonal Affects


Despite the joy that can come from holiday cheer, we are in the midst of the months when seasonal affective disorder (SAD) kicks in for many people. Therapist Kylie Larson helps us navigate in this week's column.…

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Enjoying The Journey


The journey can have equally captivating awe and beauty as the final destination. Therapist Kylie Larson, of Illuminate Counseling, invites us in this week's column to slow down and look around as we journey through the holidays.…

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Deep appreciation. Greater participants. Celebrate Goodness...
Therapist Kylie Larson, of Illuminate Counseling, offers what she's learning about gratitude in this week's Mental Health column.…

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Feel It All


Emotions are meant to fluctuate and meant to be felt. So next time you are in the midst of a more challenging emotion, feel it. Feel all of it.…

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