Winter’s Gifts

3 mins read
flower sprout from the ice covered ground
Photo by Artem Meletov on

Winter has grown on me over the years. 

While I used to dread the stretch from post-holidays to spring, I’ve learned to embrace that time of year for what it offers us. I still excitedly await spring, warmth, and nature’s colors, but this time of year also has beautiful offerings.

My oldest son picked a book from the library called Winter’s Gifts, which illustrated this time of year beautifully. It says winter gifts us rest and waiting.

It took until I slowed my life down to truly be able to embrace the gift of rest in winter. Before, I just trudged through my lengthy schedule and to-do lists even though my body desperately wanted me to slow down and rest more. But rest is just what winter welcomes us to do, with more darkness comes more rest.

I really appreciated the book also naming the gift of waiting. I had never thought of it this way before, but it really resonated with me. I love spring. As soon as I see the first sprouts pop through the ground, I’m out every day checking to see them grow and bloom to their full beauty. But if I didn’t have to wait for that season, I don’t think I’d appreciate it as much as I do. If I had spring weather all year round, I don’t know that I’d be so eager to spend all day outside in it as I am now.

Winter’s gift of waiting leads to a beautiful season of deep appreciation. I know spring doesn’t last forever, so I’m eager to embrace it. And that deep appreciation comes from the waiting.

For some, this season looks much like the others. Work still has its deadlines, kids still have their activities, and life is still moving along. But, where you can, I encourage you to lean into winter’s gifts of rest and waiting. Before you know it, this season will have passed and spring’s gifts will be welcoming us soon.


Kylie Larson, MA, LPC

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Outside of the therapy room, Kylie enjoys spending time with her family, exploring the world through the eyes of her son, adventuring with her husband, running around with her dogs, cheering on our Kansas City teams, gardening, being active, reading and exploring new recipes.

Professional Background
Bachelors in Elementary Education from Kansas State University, 2015
Master of Arts in Counseling from MidAmerica Nazarene University, 2020

Kansas Counseling Association
American Counseling Association

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