Mark 8: Bible Experience


In Mark 8,  Jesus challenges his disciples to confront the profound question of his identity, ultimately leading to a powerful revelation that beckons us all to discover the essence of true discipleship.…

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Wandering With Peter


Embrace the imperfect and messy aspects of your journey, just as Peter did, and open your heart to what you might learn about Jesus and yourself along the way.…

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Building Tolerance with Uncertainty


Sitting with uncertainty is uncomfortable, and, quite frankly, we aren’t very good at it. But it’s not entirely our fault. Our brains have a deep desire to know things, and so they often unconsciously fill in blanks for us and help areas of uncertainty feel much more certain.…

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The OG Wanderers


Like the Israelites, we all come across situations in our lives that seem too risky, too scary, or too overwhelming. The Israelites' story teaches us not to lose sight of the bigger picture.…

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Psalm 50: Bible Experience


Psalm 50 invites readers to witness a divine courtroom drama, where God is the ultimate judge. It weaves together a powerful narrative of justice, worship and the transformative potential of a genuine relationship with the Creator.…

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