In Luke 1, God shows up in big ways in unexpected moments, perhaps moving us closer to realizing that our normal day-to-day…
Read MoreEyes To See: When Public Policy Meets Art
When public policy meets art perhaps our eyes can be opened to see what we did not see before. This is a running theory of mine. HE[ART]LAND Arts KC, which mobilizes performance art for social change, has a project underway that is testing that theory in a way. The 2022 HE[ART]LAND Fellowship is a 12-week workshop that began in February and will run through May. Over the course of 12 weeks, artists have been learning about public policy as it relates to houselessness in Kansas City. They’ve taken that knowledge and translated it into performances ranging from sketch comedy to…
The Lifestyle
Editor's Pick
In art, as in all areas of life, representation matters. When we can see ourselves in the art, or when we know…
Read MoreWelcome to church! “Church?” you may be asking yourself. Yes. Church. Traditionally, “church” was a building. But, we live in a digital…
Read MoreHad Jesus been raised half an hour after His death, would we have appreciated it as much? This week, we go to…
Read MoreThe journey to the cross had questions, pain and sorrow. Seasons of our lives have the same. But dark times often lead…
Read MoreHalf Smiling and Willing Hands. When anxiety, stress and emotions come knocking, these postures could provide relief.…
Read MoreMemories take us to specific moments in time. The experience can be joyful, painful, etc. What do you notice about the acts…
Read MoreMark 13 touches on themes of preparation, patience and watchfulness. In truth, isn't life one big journey of preparation?…
Read MoreSo, which emotion do you feel like getting to know better today?…
Read More“THE WIZ” is a timeless, musical sensation and multi-cultural view of Oz with a soulful twist. And it's coming to KCK.…
Read MoreHypocrisy, generosity and other markers of humanity are in store when you dive into Mark 12. What passage speaks loudest to you…
Read More“Fika” is a Swedish tradition of slowing down for coffee and a sweet treat, an invitation to appreciate the little moments and…
Read MoreOne of my favorite coping skills for my anxiety is something that we do approximately 22,000 times a day. Breathe. …
Read MoreMountains, donkeys and other conversations. In Mark 11, we can easily see that nothing Jesus says is surface deep. So, let's dive…
Read MoreTake a step toward racial reconciliation and unity on July 9 at Unite KC's second annual Walk for Unity.…
Read More"We're all camels here" In other words, we all have things that we'd rather not give up. Mark 10 invites us to…
Read MoreWhen God put a dream on artist/craftsman Robert Larson’s heart, he didn’t let a pandemic deter him. The result is art, furniture…
Read More"I believe, help my unbelief." These words spoken by a desperate father in Mark 9 are an honest and profound statement about…
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