Luke 16: Bible Experience


Abba's song "Money, Money, Money" might make money out to be funny in a rich man's world. But it's really a sticky issue when we get down to it. Jesus gives us some financial advice in Luke 16.…

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Deep appreciation. Greater participants. Celebrate Goodness...
Therapist Kylie Larson, of Illuminate Counseling, offers what she's learning about gratitude in this week's Mental Health column.…

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Luke 14: Bible Experience


Whether sitting in the home of a Pharisee or traveling with a crowd of people, Jesus asks good questions in Luke 14 that invite us to get to the heart of our motives and consider the outcomes of our actions.…

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Feel It All


Emotions are meant to fluctuate and meant to be felt. So next time you are in the midst of a more challenging emotion, feel it. Feel all of it.…

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