Psalm 1: Bible Experience


Psalm 1 paints a vivid picture: Be like a strong, watered tree, not flimsy chaff in the wind. It's all about choosing wisdom over wickedness, and the blessings that come with it. Both poetic and practical.…

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1 John 4: Bible Experience


1 John 4 invites an exploration of the transformative power of divine love, challenging us to embrace this love as a beacon of hope amidst life's uncertainties and as a catalyst for authentic connections with others.…

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Mark 8: Bible Experience


In Mark 8,  Jesus challenges his disciples to confront the profound question of his identity, ultimately leading to a powerful revelation that beckons us all to discover the essence of true discipleship.…

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Psalm 50: Bible Experience


Psalm 50 invites readers to witness a divine courtroom drama, where God is the ultimate judge. It weaves together a powerful narrative of justice, worship and the transformative potential of a genuine relationship with the Creator.…

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