Luke 1: Bible Experience


In Luke 1, we discover the miraculous beginnings of Jesus' story, where hope, joy, and God's promises come alive through the lives of ordinary people like Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary.…

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Ruth 4: Bible Experience


In Ruth 4, a story of redemption unfolds as God weaves together ordinary acts of faithfulness to bring extraordinary hope, reminding us that his plans always lead to a future filled with promise. Scripture is not only full of interesting stories about other people’s lives, it is a way that…

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Job 2: Bible Experience


Job 2 vividly portrays Job's deep suffering, as he loses his health and faces the silence of his friends, raising profound questions about enduring faith, the meaning of pain and the mystery of God's presence in our darkest moments.…

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James 3: Bible Experience


James 3 challenges us to consider the immense power of our words, revealing how something as small as the tongue can either build others up with wisdom or cause great harm.…

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Proverbs 22: Bible Experience


Proverbs 22 offers timeless wisdom on the power of integrity, humility and guiding others in the right path – reminding us that a good name and a well-lived life are more valuable than riches.…

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